Family Picnic Postponed


We were so looking forward to once again hosting the third annual Rocking Horse Farm family picnic which was scheduled for Tuesday, July 28.  Unfortunately, we now feel it is necessary to postpone the picnic this year for the safety of everyone, based on the possible spread of COVID-19.

We were fortunate to have terrific weather for the event the last two years and it was a wonderful opportunity for all RHF residents and the Farmstead Office Park tenants to get together with the neighbors they know … while meeting new ones.  From the feedback we've gotten, everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy the event.

We're enclosing some photos from the previous picnic to remind you about the good time everyone seemed to enjoy … while showing newcomers what they can look forward to next year.  

In the meantime, have a great balance of the summer … and stay safe!

Is there something new you'd like to see at next year's family picnic? We'd love to hear it! Message your feedback to