Learning Oriented Pocket Parks
All five learning oriented Pocket Parks in Rocking Horse Farm are not only extensively landscaped, but also designed to be educational. Each of the Pocket Parks has its own theme, representing different indigenous North Dakota flora and planted in distinguishing rows. There are informational plaques next to the sidewalk identifying the plants. The Rocking Horse Farm Residential Homeowners Association (HOA) provides ongoing maintenance.
Pocket Park themes
In addition to HOA maintenance, the parks are equipped with underground irrigation systems to keep them lush and green. Rocking Horse Farm residents are encouraged to harvest from any of these pocket parks for their own use.
Berry Patch
- Chokeberries
- Plums
- Raspberries
- Strawberries
- Serviceberries
Field Crop
- Sugar Beets
- Barley
- Oats
- Wheat
- Flax
- Canola
- Dry Bean
- Soybean
- Grain Sorghum
- Sunflower
- Sweet Corn
- Summer Squash
- Cucumber
- Butternut Squash
- Honeydew
- Herbs
- Snap Peas
- Green Beans
- Eggplant
- Broccoli
- Okra
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Pak Choi
- Beets
- Onion
- Brussels Sprouts
- Spaghetti Squash
- Zucchini
- Jalapeño Peppers
- Sweet Peppers
- Tomatoes
- Pumpkins
Apple Orchard
- Honeycrisp Apples
- Frostbite Apples
- Haralson Apples
- Sweet Sixteen Apples
- Kinderkrisp Apples
Native Tree
- Bur Oaks
- Quaking Aspens
- Sienna Glen Maples
Flower Garden
- Black-Eyed Susan
- Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’
- Kobold Blazing Star
- Sunflower Heliopsis
- ‘Big Sky Sundown’ Coneflower
- Butterfly Blue Pincushion Flower
- Becky Shasta Daisy
- Royal Sunset Lily
- Tiny Shadow Lily
- Festival Star Hardy Baby’s Breath
- Heavy Metal Switch Blue Grass
- ‘Blue Heaven’ Little Bluestem
- Indian Grass
- Snowball Hydrangea Annabelle
- Little Limelight Hydrangea
- Bartzella Itoh Peony
- Krinkled White Peony
- Canadian Rose Series ‘Campfire Rose’
- Oscar Peterson Cnd Artist Series Rose
- Emily Carr Cnd Artist Series Rose
- Bill Reid Cnd Artist Series Rose