Interpretive Pocket Park:
Apple Orchard
***Please resist picking apples from the Apple Orchard at this time.***
Although it is tempting to pick the delicious-looking apples from the trees in the Apple Orchard, such action should be resisted. Our apple trees are still young and attempting to become established. This means pulling an apple off their undersized stems or branches may cause injury to the trees. Such injuries leave the trees vulnerable to disease which will introduce a new set of problems.
In many cases, very young trees like those currently in the Apple Orchard, will self-abort their fruit in order to not waste energy attempting to get it to maturity. The objective during this stage in the apple tree's life is to put on height and a significant increase in caliper (trunk thickness).
We ask that you please wait patiently for the apple trees to get a few more years of growth on them before harvesting the apples. When the trees are mature enough, we will notify homeowners that they are ready for harvest which typically takes place in the months of September/October.