Interpretive Pocket Park:
Flower Garden
Black Eyed Susan
Black Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta
Beautiful sunflower type that enriches any garden with its blooming presence. It is found across a wide range of hardiness zones and will often naturalize – establish itself in surrounding fields. This is one of the hardiest flowers for any North Dakota Garden.
Guem ‘Totally Tangerine’
Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’ - Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’ PP22041
This deliberate plant hybrid is aptly named with the very tangerine to orange blooms conspicuously catching every eye. Hardy to our lowest temperatures, extreme summer heat and poor soil drainage in late winter or early spring will kill the plant.
Kobold Blazing Star
Kobold Blazing Star - Liatris spicata ‘Kobold’
This free flowering compact hybrid gayfeather has long narrow leaves on an upright stem that is covered with purplish-rose flowers that are strong attractants of butterflies and other pollinators. The Liatris species ranges into Canadian prairies, loving the prairie environment to flourish in.
Sunflower Heliopsis
Sunflower Heliopsis - Heliopsis Helianthoides ‘’Summer Sun’
Native from Ontario to Florida and the Mississippi, are care-free and reliable for their very long season of bloom. Plants form tall, green leaves, bearing branching heads of large, semi-double, golden-yellow daisy flowers from early summer to early fall. Removing faded flowers regularly will greatly extend the blooming season. Attractive to butterflies.
‘Big Sky Sundown’ Coneflower
‘Big Sky Sundown’ Coneflower - Echinacea x ’Evan Saul’ PP17659
A hybrid coneflower from Saul Plants® with deep orange-colored flowers with slender petals and orange centers. Dark green leaves are lance-shaped and forms mounds. Makes an excellent cut flower. Attracts butterflies and other wildlife. Once established it can handle short periods of drought but performs best with moderate water.
Butterfly Blue Pincushion Flower
Butterfly Blue Pincushion Flower - Scabiosa Columbaria ‘Butterfly Blue’
This is a compact, clump-forming perennial which typically grows only 12-15" tall. Long and profuse bloom from late April until frost. Flowers (2" diameter) feature an outer ring of frilly, flat, lavender-blue petals and a paler domed center cushion with protruding stamens (resembling pins in a pincushion). Flowers bloom singly on stiff stems.
Becky Shasta Daisy
Becky Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum X Superbum ’Becky’
'Becky' Shasta Daisy , a sturdy, hardy cultivar of the original Shasta daisy, with blooms that measure three to four inches across. 'Becky' Shasta daisy sprouts on rigid stems that bear leathery, lance-shaped green leaves, and at maturity, grows up to three feet tall. It is considered an aggressive spreader if not deadheaded of spent blooms and allow it to freely sow its seeds.
Royal Sunset Lily
Royal Sunset Lily - Lilium ‘Royal Sunset’
Reminiscent of a sunset, Lilium 'Royal Sunset' (Longiflorum-Asiatic Lily) is a vigorous bulbous perennial with large, mildly fragrant, caramel orange flowers, 4-6 in. across (10-15 cm), with golden throats and pink petal tips. Blooming in early to mid-summer, the satiny flowers are adorned with a bouquet of prominent stamens, adding further appeal. Remove flowers as they fade to prevent seed from setting.
Tiny Shadow Lily
Tiny Shadow Lily - Lilium ‘Tiny Shadow’
One of the Lily Looks™ series developed in the Netherlands. Bred originally for containers, these also make versatile garden plants. The dwarf habit makes them useful near the front of any sunny border where they put on a great midsummer show. Also, equally at home in a rock garden. The best effect comes from massing in good locations with full sun.
Festival Star Hardy
Baby’s Breath
Festival Star Hardy Baby’s Breath - Gypsophila Paniculata
Clouds of small white flowers float above densely branched plants from May through October. The compact form makes this plant excellent for use as both a landscape and container plant. It is also good used as a dried cut flower.
Heavy Metal Switch Blue Grass
Heavy Metal Switch Blue Grass- Panicum Virgatum Heavy Metal
Stiff, metallic blue blades distinguish this carefree native grass from others. Retains vertical form without flopping, topped by airy, pink-tinged panicles in summer. Brilliant foliage in fall. Attractive seed heads provide winter food for birds. Withstands seasonal flooding, yet drought tolerant when established.
‘Blue Heaven’ Little Bluestem
‘Blue Heaven’ Little Bluestem - Schizachyrium Scoparium ‘Blue Heaven’
Little bluestem ‘Blue Heaven’ flowers in August, then gives way to spectacular silvery-white tufts of seeds from late September onward, providing great winter interest and winter feeding for birds. The ‘Blue Heaven’ cultivar is a 2006 introduction from the University of Minnesota characterized by its strong and compact upright growth habit and deep blue-gray summer leaves that transition through burgundy in the fall to red with the onset of winter.
Indian Grass
Indian Grass - Sorghastrum Nutans
It is intolerant to shade. It grows 3 to 7 feet tall and is distinguished by a "rifle-sight" ligule where the leaf blade attaches to the leaf sheath. The leaf is about 3 feet long. It blooms from late summer to early fall, producing branched clusters (panicles) of spikelets. The spikelets are golden-brown during the blooming period, and each contain one perfect floret that has three large, showy yellow stamens and two feather-like stigmas. One of the two glumes at the base of the spikelets is covered in silky white hairs.
Snowball Hydrangea Annabelle
Snowball Hydrangea Annabelle - Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’
Showy moderate size woody plant with very showy corymbs – ie, flowers that impact the landscape most of the summer. May need peony hoops to keep them upright and not become a floppy show.
Little Limelight Hydrangea
Little Limelight Hydrangea - Hydrangea paniculala ‘Limelight’
The huge football-shaped football shaped flowers that are celadon green giving a fresh appearance that positively impacts any landscape when maintained on m annual basis, that tops out in height and spread to about 6 feet.
Bartzella Itoh Peony
Bartzella Itoh Peony - Paeonia x ’Bartzella’
Large, bright yellow double flowers with a hint of red in the center stand above lush, dark green foliage.
Krinkled White Peony
Krinkled White Peony - Paeonia X ‘Krinkled White’
The finest of all white, single peonies, this cultivar features blooms in great profusion with crinkled petals surrounding a tuft of gold from the stamens in their center, yielding a slight, pleasant fragrance. Unique among peonies is their strong flexible stem that often does not require staking to keep them upright.
Canadian Rose Series ‘Campfire Rose’
Canadian Rose Series ‘Campfire Rose’ - Rosa ‘CA 2 9’ PP24.435
Hardy, disease resistant, and easily grown, and a strong attractant to pollinators, bicolored buds open to show semi-double yellow flowers edged in deep rosy, pink.
Oscar Peterson Cnd Artist Series Rose
Oscar Peterson Cnd Artist Series Rose - Rosa ’Oscar Peterson’
Named after the famed Canadian jazz pianist and composer, this beautiful and tough rose will bloom throughout the summer through fall. The flowers are semi-double, starting out with a soft yellow cream that turns bright white with a dash of golden yellow stamens in the center.
Emily Carr Cnd Artist Series Rose
Emily Carr Cnd Artist Series Rose - Rosa ‘Emily Carr’
Named after Canadian artist and writer, this is a deep, richly-red and disease resistant red shrub rose that is a continuous bloomer all summer, reaching a height of 4 to5 feet, with a spread of 3 to 4 feet, with an upright growth habit.
Bill Reid Cnd Artist Series Rose
Bill Reid Cnd Artist Series Rose - Rosa ‘Bill Reid’
Bill Reid Rose features showy clusters of yellow flowers with gold eyes and peach edges at the end of the branches from late spring into mid fall. True of this and all roses, they need full sun and well-drained soil.