Smaller Residential Lots For Sale | Rocking Horse Farm

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Cottage Lots

Smaller Single Family

How to Choose a Lot

The map below represents current lot availability. Select a lot to see the view, address, price, square footage, and more.



The Cottage lots are zoned SR-3. Therefore, the setbacks are:

Front: 20’
Rear: 15’
Side yard:
Street Side (corner lots) 12.5’
Interior Side  5’ or 10%*

*This means if a lot is 50’ in width, or wider, the interior side yard setback is 5’. If the lot is less than 50’ in width the setback is 10% of the lot width. For example, if the lot is 55’ wide the setback would be 5’; if the lot is 45’ wide the setback would 4.5’.

Who to Contact

Green lots are for sale and not currently associated with a builder. If you choose one of these lots, contact Park Co. Realtors Jenny Schuster or Diane Nordhougen for purchasing information.


The following documents apply to the Rocking Horse Farm 5th Addition Cottage lots.